Michelle, Malorie, & James - Christmas 2006

James, Malorie, & Michelle - August 2006

Aunt Tammie & Austin - they live in Tampa,

4 generations - Malorie, Michelle, Grandma
Fryc, & GG (who passed away 8/03
- just 5 days after Malorie was diagnosed)

The Elsbrie men - Grandpa Elsbrie,
Uncle Scotty, & Zachary

Malorie & Grandma Pat - February 2006 |

Zach, Uncle Gary, & Malorie - April

Malorie with all 4 grandpas - Grandpa
Elsbrie, Grandpa Jim,
Grandpa Bob, & Grandpa Tom - June 2006

Malorie with Grandma Fryc - January 2007

Best girls! April 2007

Malorie with Grandpa "Toast" - April 2007

Bike riding with Dad - June 2007

Malorie with her cousins Bailey & Morgan -
they live in Bradenton, Florida ~